Clarity is the only certainty you need.

Join me for a 5-week experiential inqury.

Get clear on a new body of work, and a new way of working, that (finally) lets your soul roar.

March 5 – April 7

Live | Fridays from 2:00-3:30 ET
Registration limited to 6.

Now that you’re clear on the one thing
that keeps you from being clear,
what do you do with it?

How do you use it to get clear on a new body of work, and a new way of working, that (finally) lets your soul roar? 

How do you know in your bones what your next body of work is—with sharp clarity and profound trust?

You untangle that one thing at the root of your confusion—to stand in the power of your own clarity. 

You learn to transform it—with compassion, power and grace—into clarity you cannot lose (because it is in you). 

Because when you act from the truth of your own clarity, you no longer need to know the outcome. (The outcome presents itself.) 

You trust yourself to successfully create a new body of work, and a new way of working, that (finally) lets your soul roar—one piece of clarity at a time.

(You’re no longer grasping for certainty before you begin—or resorting back to what you’ve always done in confusion.) 

Your capacity to be clear—and to be vulnerable and visible in it—reaps concrete and miraculous rewards—in forms and ways you cannot yet imagine. 

Because there is a force to clarity—a solidity and power from standing in the truth of yourself and your work and allowing the Divine to run through you into it. 

It comes through in everything that you do. Your messaging drips clarity, power and truth like nectar. Your offerings pulse with lived wisdom. Your presence transforms. And people feel it.

But (here’s the trick) you cannot think your way to clarity.

(If you could, you would have.)

You need a different way.

A way that reaches the root of what’s keeping you confused where it actually is—and works with what it actually is.

A way that sources your deepest wisdom to reveal the powerful truth of your fullest expression. 

That shifts where and how you make decisions—away from your habituated mind and into your deeply rooted knowing. 

And that teaches you to do this yourself—so that you trust yourself.

Because you cannot create your next body of work by doing the same things that you’ve always done. 

Your new work is holistic and energetic. Its integrity is rooted in your presence of being—and that demands that you are it.

You know this.

You know you cannot think your way to clarity. 

And you know that your next body of work requires your energetic (and real) shift in being—away from your habituated mind and into your deeply rooted knowing.


But your mind still wants a path.

It wants to know there’s a process—and it wants to understand what that process is.

Without that, you keep reaching for what you’ve always done—asking your mind to answer what it cannot answer and asking for certainty before you act on clarity. 

You’re not quite ready to trust that you’ll find your way to clarity in exactly the right way, at exactly the right time—even with my experienced guidance.

(You want to—but it feels like too much of a leap—and that alone makes you feel conflicted and confused.)

If you find yourself here, I invite you to join me for CLARITY.

It’s an intimate, 5-week experiential inquiry to (finally) get clear—with a progression of practice that your mind will understand.

The sequence over 5 weeks will naturally untangle the root of your confusion to create sharp clarity. 

You will experience a shift in where and how you make decisions—away from your habituated mind and into your deeply rooted knowing—and learn to use spiritual practice for deep transformation and practical guidance, at the same time. 

(No big leaps of faith necessary.)

March 5
– April 7

Live | Fridays from 2:00-3:30 ET
Registration is limited to 6.

You will:

1. Connect to your power.

Your capacity to be clear—and to trust that clarity—is rooted in your authentic power. (It arises naturally from it.) In week 1, you will activate—and cultivate a lived experience of—your personal power (including its relationship to the sacred), so that clarity can arise—and you can trust it.

2. Transform your confusion.

Confusion (or fear or anxiety) makes you think you are not clear (again and again, on a loop)—and there’s only one thing keeping that in place. In week 2, you will transform and release the one thing at the root of your confusion—so you can finally get clear.

3. Identify your innatebrilliance.

Your innate brilliance is how you do what you do—as you. It runs like a shimmering thread through everything that you do and weaves it into a coherent whole. In week 3, you get clear on your innate brilliance, its value, and how to use it intentionally to weave your creative, spiritual and professional acumen into a unique and powerful focus for your next body of work.

4. Find your unique & powerful focus.

Your focus directs—and amplifies—your innate brilliance by aiming it at a specific, defining purpose for your body of work. In week 4, you will ask (and answer): What are you aiming at with your brilliance?

5. Take your next right action.

Clarity naturally moves you forward. When you are clear, you know the next right action, and you trust yourself to take it. In week 5, you will cultivate your capacity to listen for your next right action—and to trust yourself to take it.

To guide you to clarity,  you will receive:

5 Live Practice + Mentoring Sessions

Fridays 2-3:30 ET
March 10, 17, 24, 31; April 7

Each Friday, we will meet via Zoom for a 90-minute live practice + mentoring session.

We will do a simple, one-syllable mantra practice together as a group, where we will enter the universal field and access your deepest wisdom.

After our practice, you will receive personalized reflection, transmission, and guidance from me to use your practice to gain clarity & direction.

I listen deeply—down to the vibration—both as we practice and as you talk. I discern where your energy is clear and resonant and where there is discord. 

Where appropriate or instructive, I share my experience and teachings from my teachers—both spiritual and business. 

And, I often turn your thinking upside down to open up a space of inquiry and expansion.

I share with you everything that comes through to me, and you discern what is True. This is how our line of inquiry weaves—and how you learn to source your own wisdom for yourself—with sharp clarity and profound trust.

(How to use your spiritual practice for practical guidance and lasting transformation is rarely taught—but once you learn it, you cannot lose it.)

1 Mantra Practice Audio Recording

Your daily practice
(6 minutes)

Your personal daily practice is where your transformation happens.

You will receive a binaural practice recording that teaches you a simple, one-syllable Sanskrit mantra and guides you in a practice of 54 repetitions to use in your personal daily practice.

Your mantra practice holds within it the divine energy of your weekly inquiry.

It works through vocalized sound vibration—and bypasses your mind entirely—to transform the energy pattern of your confusion at its root.

The rhythm and repetition of a daily practice coax your mind, your energy body, and your nervous system out of its established groove and entrain you to a different pattern—that of the mantra (the divine pattern of your inquiry and what you seek).  (Learn more.)

“This is powerful stuff. [What I’ve been carrying around forever] is gone! ”

“The practices are not just another support tool for my business; they are integral, and they are always working on multiple levels.

5 Teaching + Practice Videos

Sundays by email
(45-60 minutes)*

Each Sunday, you will receive a 60-minute teaching + practice video.

In each video, I share with you the what & the why of your practice for the week’s inquiry. Your mantra practice holds within it the divine energy of your weekly inquiry—and here I share why.

I also:

  • teach you how to pose your inquiry and use it in your personal practice for the week;
  • guide you in the practice;
  • ask you a question about your inquiry to guide you to clarity;
  • invite you to share your insights with me; and
  • answer questions other practitioners have asked. 

*These videos are optional. You do not need to watch them in order to show up at your live practice + mentoring sessions—but they will enhance, enrich and clarify your experience. They will take you into deeper understanding of the process and the practice—and allow your mind to rest easier. They also will also establish your inquiry for your personal daily practice during the week. They are for you. Use them how you best work.

That was the best explanation of how sacred chanting works I have ever heard.

You will also receive:
A special rate  for Group Mentoring

You are invited to continue group mentoring—which includes live practice + mentoring sessions, personalized spiritual practices, a custom-designed mālā, an original soul resonance painting, as needed support via Voxer, and any other 5-week experiential inquiries—for 6 or 12 months at the special rate of $540 a month (and your first month free).

Your Investment in CLARITY

1 payment of $1008

2 payments of $540

That we can’t THINK our way to the solution sooooooooooo resonated with me. For years, I tried to reason my way through—and it hadn’t worked. I couldn’t articulate what I wanted, but I knew it wasn’t logic or reasoning. 

I didn’t know how working with Rebecca would flow, but I was willing to try. What I received was clarity, direction, and insight.

The speed of the progress I made in such a short time surprised me. Rebecca had said it would be quick, and it was!

There has been a full integration of all the pieces of the true ME. Not the intellectual, brainy me (the me that diligently DOES)but work that’s crafted in the language of ME and naturally flows from ME!

I see God in EVERYTHING, and for so long I have laid that gift aside. It hasn’t had anywhere to land and be received. Most others don’t know what to do with it. But here, this “deep and wonderful” me finally was accepted, invited to the table, and celebrated! 

I’ve wanted to integrate it into the work that I’m doing, but now I see the work has to integrate into my being. The “deep and wonderful” me is front and center, and it feels f’in awesome!

The stage is set for my transition to happen—from diversity consulting to the ministry of music and spirituality that I want to offer the world. All the pieces are there, and I have all that I need to see it complete. 

If you’re wavering between working with Rebecca or not—just DO IT. You won’t regret it.

April Thomas

Diversity Consultant • Musician • Intercessor

I came into our work together desperately wanting to weave together different parts of myself, specifically spirituality and business, but what came out of our work together was infinitely deeper. 

Rama Devi holds this incredible space with a strong connection to the Divine—and always has the right spiritual tool for the right moment. It feels safe to go deep, and exactly the right messages come at exactly the right time.

I was worried that I would not have the revelations that I needed or at all, but it was the opposite. There were so many! 

[What I’ve been carrying around forever] is gone! I’ve gotten clarity around my business (exactly what I do and who my clients are). I’ve had remarkable clarity about where my time goes and where I want to spend it, led by Spirit. I have also seen my finances at a deeper level than ever before (x20). 

It’s been amazing. I have shed a million layers; I am quite changed; and I feel more myself than I ever have. Such a blessing. I’m on my knees with gratitude.

Lara Corr

Public Health Sociologist • Epidemiologist • Coach • Spiritual Practitioner

I would not have dared to hope for the things that have changed in my life because of this work.

I don’t know what has happened. But my whole fucking life has changed. 

Saying ‘yes’ was one of the most consequential decisions of my life. 

When I open my mouth now, the truth just pours out. 

Clarity, that cannot be ignored, continues to move me forward. And that has shifted everything. (I would have bet everything I had that it would have destroyed everything instead).

Relationships that felt toxic, insurmountable and inescapable suddenly shifted. Situations that had no clear possible solution, suddenly gave way to new, wildly unexpected outcomes. My income increased significantly (without our focus and seemingly effortlessly).

When we started working together, I was so terrified of the unknown. But the truth is not scary. It’s liberating. And the only thing that got burnt down to the ground (despite my fear) were the barriers to it. 

Now it’s terrifying to think that I might have never known what was possible if I hadn’t worked with Rebecca. 

Her questions unravel years of illusion in a moment. 

Nothing short of magic has happened, and I cannot explain it.

The space she holds is clean and clear (no ego, frustration, projection or prescription), and the pace is exactly right for creating safety and dramatic results, at the same time

None of the other work I’ve done has touched this.

If she is still taking clients, do anything you can to work with her.

Katie Owen

Therapist • Business Coach • Copywriter

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