Get clear on the one thing that keeps you from being clear
about how to integrate the sacred + the strategic into your profession,
without giving it up or starting over.
What is at the root of why you’re not able to bring the deeper layer of your work forward to be visible?
What do you need to (finally) untangle it—and set yourself free to offer it fully and clearly?
That’s what you’ll get clear on—swiftly and gently—in your private, 90-minute intensive.
Because the way you’re called to do what you do is different than the rest of your profession. (It’s energetic. It’s holistic. It’s revolutionary, even . . . but we’ll get there.)
And without knowing what’s at the root of what keeps you distracted (by confusion, procrastination or fear) from clearly and confidently bringing that forward—and how to effectively untangle it—you’ll continue to keep the deeper, experiential (and transformative) aspects of your work in the background.
You’ll continue to feel like you’re not doing all of what you know you are here to do—or being all of who you are here to be.
And you won’t contribute the profound transformation you know that your work can have on your clients and your profession—when you bring the deeper, experiential (and transformative) layers of how you do what you do forward.
Because you are designed to integrate the sacred + the strategic into a new, holistic expression of your profession—for yourself and your clients. (It’s who you are and how you operate.)
And you can do it without giving your profession up or starting over.
There’s only one thing keeping you from being clear about how—and right now, it’s elusive and out of reach of all your usual tools and practices.
In your private, 90-minute intensive, you will get clear on what that one thing is for you—and how to untangle and release it—so you can bring the deeper, transformative layers of your work forward, without giving your profession up or starting over.
What you can expect:
1. Personalized Inquiry.
I will help you set the inquiry and intention that will most effectively get you clear on the one thing that keeps you from being clear about how to bring the deeper, experiential and transformative layers of your work forward.
2. Personalized Spiritual Practice.
I will listen for a Sanskrit mantra practice that will untangle that one thing—at its root, in exactly the right way for you.
Why mantra?
You express a particular energy pattern. And a disruption or block in that pattern is the root of the one thing that keeps the deeper, experiential aspects of your work in the background.
(That’s why when we work here, it has the power to shift everything that’s now keeping you from standing in the truth of the fullest expression of your work—and its capacity to catalyze profound change for you, your clients, and your profession.)
Mantra is the spiritual practice of attuning to energetic qualities of the Divine (such as, trust, power, clarity, or insight) through vocalized sound.
A specific mantra will energetically untangle that one thing at its root and bring the disruption in your energy into harmony.
When I listen for your mantra practice, I listen for: (1) your clear, resonant energy; and (2) what’s in the way—where is there a disruption?
I then ask what mantra will harmonize that disruption, so that your energy is clear—and you transform the energy pattern of the one thing that’s keeping you from bringing the deeper, experiential and transformative layers of your work forward to be visible.
We can get very specific and targeted with the mantra we work with—through the mantra itself and through the pitch, focus and intention of the practice (and working together privately allows us to do that).
We will practice your personal mantra together to transform the energy pattern of the one thing that keeps you from bringing the deeper layers of your work forward.
(You will also receive a binaural audio recording of your personal mantra practice to take with you after your Intensive.)
3. Personalized Strategic Insight.
I will work with you, by listening to your subtle energy vibration and inquiring about what arose for you in our practice, to identify:
- the one thing that’s keeping you from being clear about how to bring the deeper, experiential and transformative layers of your work forward to be visible; and
- how to most effectively release and transform it, so that you will be clear (and you will trust yourself to move forward on your clarity).
You will feel immediate relief—at the recognition of what that one thing is and through a real-time energetic (often physical, mental and emotional) shift within you.
(Clients tell me that they experience profound transformation and release from the moment the session begins.)
And it will catalyze deeper transformation—often beyond words or initial comprehension—that will unfold over time.
(Clients tell me how its impact continues to ripple through and reveal itself weeks, months and years later.)
If you long to get clear on the one thing that keeps you from bringing the deeper, experiential and transformative layers of your work forward—and untangle it at its root, gently and permanently—
I’d love to work with you.
I have spent 20+ years—and multiple lifetimes—practicing the listening and discernment of subtle energy and 20+ years advising business owners on how to strategically use their intellectual property to earn more and work less.
I can see and hear you clearly—the beautiful truth of you, beneath the layers of personality and protection.
And I can see the natural shape of your work clearly—and how all its parts powerfully and elegantly fit together.
With that recognition comes an embrace of safety, a knowing that you are held in love, and a trust in yourself and your wisdom to clearly and confidently bring the deeper, transformational layer of your work forward to be fully visible.
I am masterfully precise—energetically, verbally and strategically—at pinpointing the one thing that keeps you from being clear and how you, specifically, need to untangle and release it (which is why it’s as gentle as it is powerful).
(Clients tell me that my words are the exact words they need, at the exact time they need it, to create the shift that they’ve longed for, but has been out of reach.)
Your Investment: $900
What can you achieve in one session?
In one, 75-minute session, my client, J and I identified clearly what she has been experiencing, what’s causing the problem (which up to this point, had no name)—and how to shift it, gently, swiftly and permanently.
She was already working with and speaking to clients who want to work with her both spiritually + strategically—but in a small, limited way (that she and her work have outgrown);
A deeper layer of her work (the holistic, creative and process-oriented part) is hanging back behind the scenes and not being shared explicitly, clearly & confidently;
She cannot bring it forward to be visible (despite it being her natural orientation toward both the work and her client relationships).
Each time she gets clear on how to bring it forward, fear, confusion, or procrastination derail her.
So she continues to lead with—and cling to—the strategic, authoritative and results-oriented part of her work (because “authority and answers” are valued and sell).
But not bringing the deeper layer of her work forward is damming the stream of her creativity—and starting to do the same to her business’s client engagement and cash flow.
What’s keeping her from bringing the deeper layer of her work forward is elusive (despite knowing intellectually what’s in the way), and out of reach of her usual tools, practices and processes.
We uncoupled 3 aspects of the value of her work.
So that her work is no longer a valuation of HER. The work stands on its own. Her potential clients are making a decision that then has everything to do with them.
(Yes, that is often hidden in there somewhere when we evolve our work into deeper integration and don’t see it reflected in our profession as a whole.)
And we pinpointed one practice to untangle and release what’s keeping her from bringing the deeper layer of her work forward—at its root, in exactly the way she needs. (It’s simple, and it’s short.)
Her feeling of vulnerability in bringing the deeper layer of her work forward receded, and she is already coming from a more grounded place.
This client is working with me in a multi-month container (and you can too), but this is what we can do in one session.
(She laughed, with some surprise, when I told her every session is like this.)
- the one thing for her to do first is tell herself the truth about her own capacity;
- then she can tell herself the truth about her work;
- if she adds an assistant or systems to her business before she gets clear on her capacity, she will be building something she doesn’t want—and that she might feel like she needs to maintain;
- writing the manuscript for her book requires giving herself the space to metabolize her own experience;
- the circumstances and dynamics of her intimate relationship are still the biggest drain on her capacity;
- over the last 18 months, her ability to tell herself and her partner the truth with striking clarity have given her back the energy and attention to sustainably exceed her long-standing revenue ceiling with ease—while still working part-time; and
- the more she untangles any remaining dysfunction in her partnership, the more capacity she will have to grow and expand her work—and to get clear on the what and how of that expansion without adding band-aids (like systems or an assistant) that don’t move her in the direction she actually wants to go.
I offered her one practice that will allow her to do this most clearly and effectively—and she is spending the summer witnessing the truth about her own capacity (and what drains it).
This client is also working with me in a multi-month container (and you can, too), but this is what we can do in one session.
I am still feeling the settling and integration from this extremely powerful session. It was a pivotal life experience for me, for which I am deeply appreciative.
Well, that was fast! And right on. How did you know?
Wow. How do you do that?
Rebecca’s questions unravel years of illusion in a moment.
None of the other work I’ve done has touched this.
If she is still taking clients, do anything you can to work with her.