Drop Down into Your Natural Register

Jun 19, 2018 | Bring Your Whole Self to Your Business, Mantra: Sacred Sound

Last year, l listened for a friend’s mantra, and I heard that her natural vibration (we all have one) was in a lower register than where she was then operating.

This information was not conveyed to me in words. Those were the vibrations that I heard: her actual natural vibration and then the vibration at which she was holding herself.

”It’s like if your voice were naturally an alto and you’re singing a second soprano,” I told her.

She laughed and told me the story of having attended an a capella concert that week, at which, during the audience participation portion, her section was asked to sing too high for her vocal range. She could sing there—but it was uncomfortable and unnatural.

(And I’m guessing it didn’t have much power, clarity or depth. Try singing too high for yourself. What happens? Your voice gets thin and flat and then it stops, doesn’t it?)

I’ve recently had the same experience: an awareness that my voice has dropped down into its natural register.

My words are coming from a different place: lower in the body, from the navel, between the energy centers of creativity and power, where the voice initiates.

You’ve noticed.

Things are shifting, sifting out and reorganizing, around this.

But mostly, I’m in my seat. I’m sitting in the center of myself.

You can feel when you’re in your seat, and it has nothing to do with excitement or achievement or response. It has everything to do with presence and connection and practice—and a willingness to let go and find out what is True.

. . . . .

A client confided recently that she wants her words, her writing to land like mine have with her—how does she get there?

Here’s my experience:

Clear away the pieces of your voice (and your being) that have been constructed to look and sound like who you were told you are to look and sound like to reveal the clear, simple power of who you actually are.

Like my friend upon receiving her mantra, we’ve all trained ourselves to express in a way that we‘ve deemed “acceptable” or “successful” or {you can fill in your own blank.}

The depth of our being resonates beneath that.

And we can live and work from there.

. . . . .

I love to use mantra to do this, because: it literally uses your voice to connect to Self and Source; it engages and tones your navel; it tunes you to your natural vibration; and it operates at multiple levels of being—physical, mental, emotional, spiritual—at the same time.

Mantra is energy medicine created and delivered through your own body at its natural frequency. Your voice is 100x more healing for you than any sound you can receive.

So, take a minute to experience your voice. Feel it in your navel. Create a memory to reference. Until it is your way of being. (Because it is.)

Take a breath and chant Om. Just any old way, without thinking about it.

What is your experience of your voice? From where is it coming? What are its qualities? (It’s likely all of your energy—how you tell people who you are in the simplest, clearest form—is emanating this way too.)

Now, chant Om from your throat.

And lastly, chant Om from your navel.

Can you hear and feel the difference?

There in your navel is your natural register. There is your seat—your radiance and your power.

If you know that is it—you’re being called to drop down into your natural register—it’s my honor to work with you in a sacred practice to do just that. Click below to email me, and let’s talk.

Individual Mentoring

It is my honor to work with you in this sacred practice of discernment, clarity and integration of your magic (and release of all that’s keeping you from its full expression and embrace).

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