I’m Rebecca (Rāmā Devī) Prien.

Strategic Business Advisor
Spiritual Leadership Catalyst

I work with you at the root of your longing—for what you are here to do and who you are here to be.

Together, we untangle and release the one thing (and it’s only one thing) that’s keeping you from it (all of it)

We shift your fundamental ground of being so that it no longer holds that pattern. 

And everything changes.

(Curious what I mean? Request a free, 15-minute 1:1 practice with me here.)

I have helped hundreds of business owners create unique, profitable offerings using their creative, spiritual and professional gifts—without depletion, self-sacrifice or overwhelm. 

I’ve done it through intellectual property; I’ve done it through business model design; and I’ve done it through spiritual practice. Often—and ideally—all at the same time.

But, most importantly, I’ve midwifed these accomplished and gifted professionals into truly being who they are here to be: clear, powerful—and fully alive.  

I am a master of both/and, a weaver of strategy and spiritual practice, and a fierce advocate of the whole (of you and your work). 

I have spent 20+ years—and multiple lifetimes—practicing the listening and discernment of subtle energy.

I can see and hear you clearlythe beautiful truth of you, beneath the layers of personality and protection. 

And with that recognition comes an embrace of safety, a knowing that you are held in love, and a trust in yourself and your wisdom.

I’d love to put that to work for you—and your work in the world.

Like you, I have impressive credentials—and an impulse to do it differently.

I graduated from Princeton University in 1996 and from Boston University School of Law in 2001, where I was a member of the coveted Law Review. I practiced law at two top-tier law firms (in securities fraud litigation) and two United States Courts of Appeals (researching and recommending to judges how to decide cases on appeal) before starting my own practice, Counsel to Creativity, in 2009.

My life as a lawyer and my life as a spiritual practitioner have been inextricably intertwined. By happy (or not-so-happy) accident, I began practicing yoga asana and meditation while in law school. 

I am a practitioner and initiate of Śaiva tantra (a yogic, Hindu tradition) and a lineage holder of Kali Natha Yoga. Since 2006, I have been a student of living masters Mā Jāya Sāti Bhagavatī (deceased in 2012), Swami Jāya Devī Bhagavatī, and Swami Śakti Durgāya, in the lineage of the Indian saint, Neem Karoli Bābā. I continue to be taught mystically by Mā, Bābā and Swami Bhagavan Nityananda (of the Siddha Yoga lineage).

I studied Sanskrit pronunciation with native practitioner of Kashmir Śaivism, Shivani Hawkins, Founder of Living Sanskrit, and voice and sacred sound with kirtan artist and Kundalini Yoga teacher, Simrit Kaur.

Most importantly, I practice. I have practiced mantra (nearly) every day since I fell in love with it in 2006. It is through practice that I have cultivated an intimate relationship with these divine energies and sacred practices.

I have spent my entire life on a quest to integrate all of myself into deeply satisfying and meaningful work—work that uses all I have to give. (Don’t let the photos fool you: I’m perimenopausal.)

My law practice has been a practicum—a messy, profound, maddening, and delightful immersion and incubator—in how to weave together the spiritual and the strategic to transform how things are done professionally.

(Yes, to suit me, but also because things need to change. I’m guessing that’s why you are here?)

As an attorney,

I’m admittedly a renegade: vibrant, accessible, present and strategic. I deftly translate law into something truly useful for my clients—a tool to not just protect, but grow, a legacy business. I understand law energetically—for the Divine qualities it brings to your business—and offer a unique clear, friendly and holistic visual approach to business law.

As a business advisor,

I have a unique talent for integrating seemingly incompatible talents into unique business models. My deep understanding of intellectual property and the thought leadership field makes my advising both expansive and soundI have helped my clients increase their revenue (2x-10x) and reduce their work hours, navigating them through the process with creativity, clarity and compassion. 

As a spiritual midwife,

I am a highly-tuned instrument of perception. I listen deeply (down to your vibration) and reflect with precision and detachment. I hold a clean and clear container of depth, safety and fierce compassion, so you can see and hear yourself.

There is a way through for you—to sharp clarity, powerful truth, profound trust, and outrageous joy—and only one thing keeps you from it.

(You know the way. I’m here to midwife your return to that sacred knowing.)

Commitment to Decolonization & Anti-Racism

I take the responsibility of holding and sharing the sacred practices of an adopted spiritual tradition very seriously.

I take the trust placed in me to hold a clear and clean sacred space for my clients of color with humility and care.

I am aware of my capacity as a white woman to unconsciously misappropriate or commonditize Eastern indigenous spiritual traditions and to unconsciously cause harm to Black, Indigenous and People of Color.

I am engaged in and committed to on-going anti-racist and anti-colonialist education, reflection, and transformation for myself and my team. I believe that this is spiritual practice.

I am a student first. I do not teach anything that: I have not deeply practiced; or I am not initiated into sharing with others.

I listen first.

I am committed to:
speaking and acting to identify and dismantle white supremacy, colonialism, homophobia, transphobia, and ableism within myself, my work, and my community;
cultivating relationships with—and actively promoting the work of—colleagues of color;
seeking out teachers native to Kashmir Śaivism; and
giving back to the source tradition of my practices through attribution and financial support.

I will not work with anyone who engages in racist, homophobic or otherwise bigoted behavior, and I do not practice with teachers or in spaces that misappropriate.

Land Honoring & Acknowledgment

I live and work on the ancestral, unceded land of the Wabanaki, N’dakina (Abenaki), Pennacook, and Pentucket Peoples. I bow in gratitude, in grief and in honoring, and I offer spiritual practice to the land and sincere listening to its native people for what is needed for healing and repair.

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