Sacred +Stragetic | The Blog
Integrate the sacred + the strategic —to step into your natural capacity to lead.
But will they pay me for that?
What if you did the work that you REALLY want to do—HOW you really want to do it? What are you afraid it will cost you? For so many professional women, the cost feels high—and the clarity about...
Maybe you’re like me?
I’m a spiritual teacher, a business strategist, an artist—and an attorney. I have spent my entire life on a quest to integrate all of myself into deeply satisfying and meaningful work—work that uses...
You don’t need to analyze it.
You don’t need to analyze it. (This is not therapy.) You don't even need to know what that one thing is in order to shift it—and let it go. You can simply ask for it to be taken from you. (This was...
You’re done reaching outside yourself.
When you have no model, the only way you can create your next body of work is to trust (and act on) the truth and power of your own clarity. It’s ironic that you’d work with someone on this, isn’t...
If the formulas have failed you, you have not failed.
You want to sink into ease and trust and flow—and you want a formula. Something that is going to take the fear and wavering and uncertainty out of it. Something you can learn, even if it’s about...
You cannot will yourself to trust.
You cannot will yourself to trust (no more than you can think your way to clarity). Trust is not a leap of faith—and a bypass of fear. It’s a practice of devotion—to the truth of your own clarity...
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