When you trust, who (or what) are you trusting?
When you trust, who (or what) are you trusting? When you trust your Knowing, who are you trusting? When you trust the Universe, who are you trusting? As I shared last week, this painting has been teaching me about trust. And it profoundly shifted my perspective on why...Trust. (Or, Lay Down Cleverness.)
What would happen if you allowed yourself not to be clever? What if you could trust the flow of life rushing through you?
A tale of 2 paintings.
What is the desire under your desire?
There are many ways for our deepest desires to be fulfilled—and yet, we tend to focus instead on what we think we want.
Your Soul Is Calling You into Something Bigger than Yourself.
Your Soul Is Calling You into Something Bigger than Yourself. What can a group of professionals who bring all their intuition and all their intellect to their businesses do? Change whole industries. Change our economy. One piece, one client, one offering at a time....Lasting Change Is Rooted in Your Energy Body.
Change, healing has to happen in the energetic bodies to happen at all: this is where our karmic knots live. They’re just bubbling up to the surface in our experience from there.