Clarity is the only certainty you need.

You’re clear. (Woohoo!)

And then a funny thing inevitably happens: you get confused . . . about your clarity. 

Because you’re not clear on what happens when you trust that clarity and act on it. 

You don’t know what path that clarity will actually take you down, or what will be there when you get to the end (or if you’ll get to the end). 

And that’s what you really want to know: that you’re going to get the outcome you want—and not the outcome you fear. 

So, you wait. 

And you ask for more clarity. 

But it doesn’t come. 

Now you’re more confused, not to mention more frustrated, and you don’t trust yourself. You doubt your ability to be clear, and when you are clear, you doubt the truth of it.

Because you are clear. 

You’re just seeking certainty, not clarity. 

Because what your mind (and your fear) wants is certainty over clarity—because it thinks that certainty will keep you safe. 

So, you choose certainty again and again—even the certainty of discomfort, of burnout, of depression, of whatever it is that is keeping you from bringing the full spectrum and depth of your work forward to be visible—over the clarity that’s going to set you free to clearly and confidently do that. 

When the truth is: you cannot (and you never will) have certainty first.

You cannot know the outcome of trusting and acting upon your clarity now. It is literally impossible.

(Asking it of yourself is an abusive expectation—that keeps you going around and around in the same self-sabotaging (and self-flagellating) pattern and never moving forward.)

But you can be clear. You can trust that you’re clear. And you can act on that clarity.

That is certainty. And it is the most certain you will ever be. 

It’s undeniable. (That’s why it feels terrifying—and why you doubt it.) 

With clarity, comes undeniability: undeniable truth, undeniable power—and an undeniable need to act, without knowing the ultimate outcome. 

Because when you act from the truth of your own clarity, you won’t need to know the outcome. 

You will trust yourself. 

And that will radically change your ability to clearly and confidently bring that deeper aspect of your work forward to be fully developed, integrated and visible—even if that deeper aspect is not yet clear to you.

This clarity is in you—and there’s only one thing that keeps you from recognizing and acting on it. 

Get clear on the one thing
that keeps you from being clear.

in a private, 90-minute One Thing Intensive

Clarity, that cannot be ignored, continues to move me forward. And that has shifted everything. (I would have bet everything I had that it would have destroyed everything instead).

Katie Owen

Therapist • Business Coach • Copywriter

I was worried that I would not have the revelations that I needed or at all, but it was the opposite. There were so many! It’s been amazing.

Lara Corr

Public Health Sociologist • Epidemiologist • Coach • Spiritual Practitioner

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