Only one thing keeps you from being clear.

Only one thing keeps you from being clear. (Yep, just one thing.)

Confusion makes you think that it’s complicated.

It also makes you think you have to be clear (on this other thing) before you can get clear (on this thing).

And, the irony is: that it keeps you going around, never getting clear on, or resolving, either thing.

Because, inevitably, the same thing is keeping you from being clear.

You don’t need to “take care of [that other thing in your life]” (that is sending you around and around) before you turn to getting clear about your new body of work.

The work of getting clear will take care of that other thing (and all the things) in your life. And it will allow you to bring your fullest expression and new body of work—not to mention a new way of being—into the world.

Because at the root of your confusion is one thing.

Something you’ve likely been relying upon, perfecting, and attempting to unwind, your entire life.

That’s why it’s so maddeningly persistent—and hidden. It’s why unwinding it feels elusive and the work of releasing it feels never-ending.

When you get clear on it, things get simpler—and more potent (and you unwind all of it).

Because you only have one line of inquiry to undertake.

You only have one practice to do, and one pattern to shift.

Not 5, or 15, like confusion would have you think.

And the beauty, the real miracle, is that this one thing is also what allows everything to come together for you. (This is true for my clients 100% of the time.)

So, come.

Join me for a private, 90-minute Intensive to get clear on what’s keeping you from being clear. (It’s only one thing.) 

Message me below, and I’d love to share all the details with you.


Get clear on the one thing
that keeps you from being clear.

in a private, 90-minute One Thing Intensive

Message me (click above), and I’d love to share all the details with you.

“I can feel the burning away, an intense internal heat, as you speak.”

“It was an extremely powerful session for which I am still feeling the settling and integration. I know that it was a pivotal life experience for me which I am deeply appreciative.”

Well, that was fast! And right on. How did you know?
Anne Scarrione

Archictect • Artist

Wow. How do you do that?

Karen Schachter

Coach • Passionista • Desire Champion

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