Get clear on the one thing that keeps you from being clear.

Join me for a free, live 90-minute experience

February 20*  2-3:30 est

*February 21 is now booked. I’ve added this additional date.
(This is a live event, specifically for you. There will not be a recording.)

What is at the root of your confusion?

What do you need to (finally) untangle it—and set yourself free?

That’s what you’ll get clear on—swiftly and gently—in this 90-minute, live experience of group spiritual practice and individual insight, reflection and guidance.

What you can expect:

Inquiry. First, I will help you set the inquiry and intention that will most powerfully get you clear on what’s in the way of you becoming and expressing all that you are.

Practice. We will then do a simple, one-syllable Sanskrit mantra practice together as a group, where we will enter the universal field and access your deepest wisdom. (No one will hear you chant except you.)

Guidance. After our practice, I will work with you personally (by listening down to your subtle energy vibration) to identify:

  • the one thing that’s keeping you from being clear about your next body of work; and
  • how to most effectively release and transform it, so that you can be clear (and you can trust yourself in it).


Yes, it really is that simple.

When we work with the energy of what’s keeping you from being clear, it really is that quick, and it really is that simple—and you feel immediate relief simply in the recognition of what it is.

If you long to untangle yourself from what’s at the root of your confusion—gently and permanently—I’d love to work with you on this first step of getting clear.

Enter your name and email below for this free, live experience.

February 20*  2-3:30 est

(This is a live event, specifically for you.  There will not be a recording.)

*February 21 is now booked. I’ve added this additional date.

Well, that was fast! And right on. How did you know?
Anne Scarrione

Archictect • Artist

Wow. How do you do that?

Karen Schachter

Coach • Passionista • Desire Champion

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