What thread runs through your life’s work?

by | Jan 29, 2018 | Bring Your Whole Self to Your Business, Dharma: Life Purpose + Sacred Work

What thread runs through your life’s work?

When you catch a glimpse of that shimmering thread, it’s miraculous.

For me, it is the relationship between sound and form. It is how deep listening reveals the natural composition of a thing.

Your shimmering thread is innate to you: the center of a cluster of talents and desires. In it, the the heart of your dharma resides. Raw, untampered, waiting to be unleashed.

You have all the clues. They’ve always been with you.

They make your heart jump, race or sing. They make you salivate, make your body and being say, Yum. They nourish at the deepest (indescribable) level.

Like this:

Yesterday, I opened the book of yoga practices beside my bed to a random page and landed upon MANTRA.

“Instrument of thought, speech, sacred text or speech, a prayer or song of praise. A Vedic hymn. A sacred formula, mystical verse. Incantation, charm. A plan or design. A name of Shiva.”

Mmm, yum. (I am deeply in love with mantra and with the sanskrit language and with language in general.)

And then this:

“Play with sounds that feel like food for your ears.” This! Yes, this! My heart and body and being exclaimed. THIS is how I experience language, like a rich, nourishing meal. This is how I felt learning French and Italian and Sanskrit, like I was being fed. Fed ravishing, miraculous, curious beauty.

I have no patience for dissecting a language intellectually. I want to live inside of it. I want to make sense of its structures by listening to the way it sounds.

I have, finally, after more than a decade of chanting sanskrit and exploring the practices and experience it captures, begun to understand how mantras are composed and why.

But I digress—because it is so delicious to me.

And that is my point: you are being shown glimpses of your shimmering thread all the time through what is innate and delicious to you.

If you don’t see it, it’s simply because it is that easy.

The passage I stumbled upon yesterday goes on:

“Listen and know that space resonates with the silent potential of all these sounds. Let yourself feed on them in the most natural and immediate way.”

Pause and know that space resonates with the silent potential of all the qualities, talents and desires of your innate being.

Let yourself feed on them in the most natural and immediate way.

And let them reveal to you the thread at the heart of your life’s work.

I invite you to find your shimmering thread with me in The Thread of Dharma: Weaving Your WHOLE Self into Your Life’s Work, a free experience of sacred sound, sacred art and sacred space. Click below to join me.


The Thread of Dharma: Weaving Your WHOLE Self into Your Life's Work

An integrative, transformational experience through sacred art and sacred sound.

January 31 at 2:00 ET

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